Meaning of Note to Self by Mariah the Scientist

The song "Note to Self" by Mariah the Scientist is a heartfelt and introspective piece that delves deep into the struggles and inner conflicts faced by the artist. The overall theme of the song revolves around self-destruction and the need for help. Mariah expresses her internal battle with destructive tendencies and seeks understanding and guidance.One of the standout lyrics in the song is "And they talkin' 'bout love, what is it? Didn't know it existed. Now they tellin' me it's within myself." This particular lyric brings forth the theme of self-love and the difficulty of recognizing and embracing it. Mariah questions the concept of love, wondering if it is real or merely a figment of her imagination. It highlights the sense of self-doubt and the struggle to believe in one's own worthiness of love.Another important lyric in the song is "Thinkin' of all lies I tell myself, I've always been." This line emphasizes the theme of self-deception and the harmful patterns of negative self-talk that Mariah has adopted. It highlights the artist's deep-rooted issues with self-sabotage. The lyrics suggest that Mariah has been trapped in a cycle of self-destruction for a long time, unable to break free from the lies she tells herself.Throughout the song, the recurring chorus of "S-E-L-F D-E-S-T-R-U-C-T-I-V-E, I need help, 'cause I've always been" emphasizes the plea for assistance and recognition of her self-destructive nature. The repetition of these lyrics drives home the message that Mariah's struggles with self-destruction are deeply ingrained in her identity. The urgent need for help suggests a desire for change and self-improvement.While exploring the themes of self-destruction and the need for help, the song also touches on the broader concept of personal growth and reflection. The lyrics reveal Mariah's willingness to examine herself and acknowledge her flaws. It showcases bravery and vulnerability, demonstrating her readiness to confront her demons and seek guidance.Overall, "Note to Self" is a poignant and introspective song that tackles themes of self-destruction, self-deception, the search for self-love, and the need for help. Mariah the Scientist's raw and vulnerable lyrics invite listeners to reflect on their own battles with destructive tendencies and to consider the role of self-awareness and personal growth in overcoming them. The song serves as a reminder that seeking help and confronting one's inner struggles are essential steps towards healing and self-discovery.
